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Monday, December 7, 2015


Whats wrong with having everything you want?

With control over human desire (self-realisation/moksha) and increasing technological development, it might be possible to have a balanced world, where you could have everything you want. 

In Indian religions and philosophy, Moksha, also called vimoksha, mukti and nirvana, means emancipation, liberation or release.In the psychological sense, moksha connotes freedom, self-realization and self-knowledge.

In Hindu traditions, moksha is a central concept and included as one of the four aspects and goals of human life; the other three goals are dharma (virtuous, proper, moral life), artha (material prosperity, income security, means of life), and kama (pleasure, sensuality, emotional fulfillment).Together, these four aims of life are called Puruṣārtha in Hinduism

But what does this all mean to us in today’s world? It shows us that people have always wondered what their purpose in life is and how this purpose is achieved within reason and balance. 
To feel at peace and harmony we need to feel love, happiness and ultimately balance them with feelings and experiences of pain and suffering. Although we would all like to eliminate pain and suffering, without these emotions and experiences we can’t appreciate the positive ones.

We can all strive towards Moksha in the form of self-development. By gaining the knowledge of who we truly are; we are constantly improving on ourselves and reducing our negative attributes that are limiting or blocking our abilities to feel secure, happy, loved and balanced.

With the world’s current economic state, we have all had to reassess the priorities in each of our lives. This has meant a huge paradigm shift in thinking about what actually brings us peace, happiness and balance.

It is impossible to completely restrain human desires and also impossible to have an infinite amount of resources to fulfil these human desires. However, there is a way to fulfil these infinite desires by making proper use of the ability of human beings to develop new technology.

Yes resources are limited, but with the help of developing technology, we can reduce their consumption. Hence even in this economy in which everything is recycled, we can still have economic growth through advancing technology.

One way of thinking about technological advancement is that it offers us either better ways of doing old things or the opportunity to do entirely new things. 
Both of the above can be described as the ability to add more value. 

For example, most companies these days use teleconferencing to communicate with colleagues on the other side of the world. This technology can save the resources required for people to physically travel across the world for work.
Another example is the ongoing research about hybrid vehicles. Technology has already advanced enough to run vehicles on resources other than petroleum such as battery/solar power etc. Although this concept is not completely in practice currently, it would become one of the technologically advanced ways to fulfil our desire to travel infinitely.

Which leads us to the conclusion that as long as technology keeps advancing and as long as human beings try to achieve moksha i.e self-development, we can continue to add more value and have more growth.

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